Rachel Wayne
1 min readMay 10, 2018


This is a great piece. I admit I suffer from Imposter Syndrome. I tried to explain it to a therapist who thought it meant that one was pretending to be better than they are. That assumption affirmed my Imposter Syndrome. I have obsessed over productivity systems such as Getting Things Done rather than getting things done. I gave spent way too much money on planners and colored pens. And I’ve turned away every compliment with a “no big deal” or “it wasn’t that great.” I’m certainly not super perfect or accomplished, but calling myself a failure is pretty stupid! (There I go again.) Thanks for the article.



Rachel Wayne

Artist/anthropologist/activist writing about art, media, culture, health, science, enterprise, and where they all meet. Join my list: http://eepurl.com/gD53QP