Last night in Orlando, Florida, Donald Trump officially announced his re-election campaign with new promises of cured cancer, space travel, and the end of the Democrats. More than ever before, Trump, Pence, and their supporters made it clear that they do not want the Democratic Party or left-leaning people to ever have power or feel welcome in America again.
“We’re here for one reason and reason only: America needs four more years of President Donald Trump.” — Mike Pence, June 18, 2019, Orlando, FL
“Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage. They want to destroy you. And they want to destroy our country as we know it.” —Donald Trump, June 18, 2019, Orlando, FL
To support these threats, it was crucial to continue the narrative that Trump is widely beloved and that the “fake news media” is downplaying his tremendous success. To that end, his supporters played fast and loose with the numbers, claiming that thousands of supporters waited 5 days in the rain to see him and filled a 25,000-seat arena, while thousands of others watched on the outside jumbotron.
None of that was true.