Member-only story
Talkin’ Bout Your Explanation
Recently, mansplaining has been a favorite topic of social media. Of course, for every example given, someone (usually, not always, a man) swoops in to pick it apart. Particularly amusing is when some mansplains mansplaining (so meta!)
In the following very un-scientific study, I will examine some myths and facts about mansplaining — or ‘splaining in general — that pop up in every.single.comment.thread I’ve read on the topic.
Claim: Mansplaining is a sexist term.
Well, no, it’s not a sexist term because it doesn’t mischaracterize a gender/sex e.g. it does not say that all men do this, although the point remains that many men do. Really, people could be much more sexist about this. Come back with this claim when men are routinely denied jobs simply because they are men, harassed on the street, or subjected for scams at auto shops. (Also, institutional sexism against men doesn’t exist, but that’s beside the point.)
Claim: Men can’t explain anything now, even if they are informed to speak on the subject.