Member-only story
My Daily To-Do List
A portrait of a workaholic
Feed the cats.
Check all social media notifications.
Feel anxious about negative comment.
Debate whether or not to engage obvious troll.
Remind the cats that they’ve already been fed.
Check social media calendar for the day.
Second-guess the copy I wrote to promote my freelance business.
Post anyway.
Make coffee.
Forget to take medicine or eat breakfast.
Answer messages from clients.
Search for jobs on freelance gig sites.
Write in bullet journal.
Stumble over dirty clothes on floor on way to bathroom.
Decide to take a break from work to clean up the house.
Feel frustrated and retreat to my desk.
Do a bit of work.
Make more coffee.
Get into the flow and finally feel productive.
Skip lunch because I don’t want to stop working.
Finish and reward myself with a trip to Facebook.